God's own time

 True Story

I wouldn’t want to define this blog less than how it descriptively talks about my friend Janet's resent salvation experience at Thika town.

One evening after church service. God had given her an instruction ,which will be revealed soon in the story. Her mind was alert at that time. She understood the assignment. That day she had a lot of tasks which required total attention. Later on, instant  realization kicked in that it’s getting late. Remembering the directive given. She hurried back home parsing. The person who helped here execute her mission was her neighbor. Whom at the tailed end her mind perceived he was used as an accuser. You will later understand how in the story. Note.

Satan can use anyone to accuse you for your sins therefore be very careful. In Zechariah 3:1 “Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him.” From this context Satan has access to Gods court room. His mission is to accuse the brethren. In Revelation 12:9-10 speaks of that event. “The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.  Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ.  For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God Day and night, has been hurled down.” 

When Janet executed the decree. she felt the firmness to go to Thika. The sentiment was pitching in. she could no longer decline the desire. God is very mysterious mmm! she thought. The same neighbor helped her find a motorcyclist rider who took her to the stage. On her arrival, a matatu going to Juja immediately showed up. She got intrigued feeling it will drive off without waiting on her. One of the conductors approached asking to pay off motor fee. She agreed knowing she would pay off the debt while on the way to Juja ,subsequently board a matatu to Thika.

Decade later she arrived at Thika town. It was nearly midnight. very late for a girl to be out of the house. She reflected💭. Immediately ,she saw a man lying on the road. His skin was very bruised and not sober. She felt the need to pray for him. His all being screamed ‘help’. She prayed for him sympathetically shortly further continued with her journey. After few minutes on her way. Janet met two street boys. They had asked her for money halfheartedly she declined but felt the need to pray for them. They both gave their lives to Jesus. Since they had told her how hungry they were, both agreed to search for a shop to buy Mandazis. Almost immediately, she met their friends who narrated their sad stories as to how they ended up being street children. ''They looked so young but yet eager to live their lives'' she narrated.

 Thinking how she could help them. A cloud of notion posted to her mind. Since it was getting late. Both searched for something to eat by way of directed instructions by one of the boys. They met a man selling coffee and half cakes also known as Kangumus in English. She bought for them each and more street boys kept coming but among them was a troubled boy who desired shoes. Determinate by the money she had. She promised to come tarry soon.

After the overwhelming uncalculated moments. Midnight had exposed its nature. She hurried to see her sister at home only to …….

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